Where to Watch the Reply, and How to Find Out More
This past Saturday, the Electric City Culture Council (EC3) and ReFrame Film Festival co-presented the ‘So You Want to Make a Documentary’ workshop, featuring filmmaker Maya Bastian, Hot Docs Canadian Programmer Aisha Jamal, Ontario Arts Council Media Arts Officer Mark Haslam, and moderator and ReFrame Creative Director Amy Siegel.
It was a fascinating and lively conversation, full of useful information for emerging or practicing filmmakers at any level of experience. Nearly 30 people joined us virtually for the live event, and over 60 people have watched it since then.
Watch the Workshop
If you weren’t able to attend the workshop, you can still watch a replay through ReFrame’s website until the end of the festival, this Friday, January 29.
After that, we will be archiving the video on EC3’s website.
Further Reading
“So You Want to Make a Documentary: Advice and Resource List” provides a summary of some of the key takeaways from the workshop, as well as a list of the many resources and organizations (grants, festivals, etc.) that the panelists brought up.
“Grant Writing Tips & Tricks” is a document put together by EC3 following a workshop in 2019 that’s full of useful advice on grant applications.
Please stay well and let us know how we can help.
As always, keep checking the EC3 Facebook page, @ECThreePtbo on Twitter, @ec3ptbo on Instagram, and the COVID-19 Updates page on EC3’s website, where we are providing daily updates on programs and services available for ACH workers and organizations.
Be safe, stay healthy, and please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Su Ditta and the EC3 Board and staff
Su Ditta
Executive Director
Electric City Culture Council (EC3)
705 749 9101