A Message from EC3
Hello everyone,
As Ontario continues to adapt to Stage 3, and we hear more and more stories about businesses and organizations re-opening their doors, one sector remains notably quiet: arts, culture, and heritage (ACH). The large majority of local ACH organizations remain closed or are operating at drastically reduced capacity, and a number of local performing groups and venues have announced that they will remain shuttered until at least the end of the year. Everyone is hard at work devising plans to open again as soon and as safely as they can.
The Electric City Culture Council (EC3) would like to remind everyone that Peterborough is a community rich with talented and insightful artists making exceptional work, with The Electric City Culturecast Reprise, the latest initiative in our Peterborough Arts Alive suite of COVID-19 response and recovery programs.
The Electric City Culturecast Reprise (listen here) is a playlist of clips curated by our Program Coorinator Gabe Pollock from over a dozen interviews with local artists and ACH workers, originally broadcast on EC3’s Trent Radio show and podcast, The Electric City Culturecast. On this show, EC3 Executive Director Su Ditta sits down with local artists and ACH workers to talk about their lives, their work, and their ideas about what they do and why.
The Culturecast is currently on hiatus, but The Electric City Culturecast Reprise is a way to open up the archives, and remind people of some of the extraordinary artists and ACH workers in our city.
Have a listen, seek out more of these creators’ works, and keep the arts alive in your mind during these challenging times.
You can listen to the full episodes of The Electric City Culturecast on the Culturecast’s website, or by subscribing to the RSS feed.
EC3 would also like to thank Trent Radio, Peterborough Independent Podcasters, Eva Fisher, and Lester Alfonso for their hard work on the Culturecast!
Please stay well and let us know how we can help.
As always, keep checking the EC3 Facebook page, @ECThreePtbo on Twitter, @ec3ptbo on Instagram, and the COVID-19 Updates page on EC3’s website, where we are providing daily updates on programs and services available for ACH workers and organizations.
It’s a tough time for sure. Everyone is feeling the pressure. Hope these tools help along the way. Be safe, stay healthy, and please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Su Ditta and the EC3 Board and staff
Su Ditta
Executive Director
Electric City Culture Council (EC3)
705 749 9101