Listen to The Electric City Culturecast Reprise, a new project from EC3
In case you missed it, here is a roundup of some of what the Electric City Culture Council (EC3) has been sharing online in the past two weeks.
Be sure to follow EC3’s Facebook page, @ECThreePtbo on Twitter, and @ec3ptbo on Instagram, where we’re posting updates every day.
From the Electric City Culture Council
EC3 launched The Electric City Culturecast Reprise, a curated playlist of clips from EC3’s Trent Radio show and podcast, The Electric City Culturecast. Our hope is to highlight some of Peterborough’s talented and fascinating artists and creators, during a time when many avenues for artistic expression and performance remain closed. Read our Bulletin about the project.

Arts and Culture Roundtable, with EC3, Minister Monsef, and local arts and culture leaders
EC3 was proud to work with local MP and Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development Maryam Monsef, on an Arts & Culture Roundtable at the end of July (see photo at right). It was an insightful and productive conversation, and EC3 sincrely appreciates our MP taking the time to hear from local arts and culture leaders about the challenges our sector is facing.
Join the conversation on Peterborough Arts Alive on SLACK, a digital space where artists can meet to discuss and share ideas and resources.
Donate today to the Peterborough Arts Alive Fund, a fundraising effort to provide grants for local arts organizations.
Local Spotlight
Job alert: Public Energy is currently hiring an Interim Administration and Marketing Program Director, and the Art Gallery of Peterborough is hiring a Visitor Services Receptionist.
4th Line Theatre had to cancel their season this year, but they are mounting a special play this fall. Bedtime Stories and Other Horrifying Tales is a newly written, limited-run play that will be performed outdoors to socially distanced audiences.
The Art Gallery of Peterborough is now re-opened. Visiting is by appointment only, and with specific restrictions in place.
Subscribe to Artspace‘s Flashback newsletter, full of art and video pulled from Artspace’s archives. The latest issue features an interview with Dorothy Caldwell.
Watch this entirely heartwarming new video from local band Little Birdie:
News and Information
The Canada Council for the Arts announced the appointment of Anishinaabe writer and broadcaster Jesse Wente as the new Chair of the Board. Read The Toronto Star‘s interview with Wente. The Council is also seeking input on their five-year strategic plan, on their new website ReimagineTheArts.ca.
The Ontario Trillium Fund launced the Resilient Communities Fund, providing support to not-for-profit organizations for COVID-19 recovery and rebuilding.
Minister of Canadian Heritage Steven Guilbeault announced the details of Phase 2 of the $500 million being distributed to help Canada’s culture, heritage, and sport sector. Phase 2 includes funding for independent news and journalism, FACTOR, and other groups who did not receive funding in Phase 1.
Ideas and Thinkpieces
The Arts Are Beautiful. The Culture Is Not by Dorothy Woodend, The Tyee
Looking at Vancouver’s lack of representation for BIPOC artists by Sára Molčan, Medium
Bail Out Artists, Not Arts Managers by J.J. Charlesworth, ArtReview
Art, After Virus: Seven Questions for a Sector on the Edge by David Maggs, The Philanthropist